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Want your Balloom to get more likes on Instagram? Get inspired with these fun photos from our customers!

Then invent your own and tag us @ballooms!

Make the Leap!

Add movement to your photo. Jump up — or through — your Balloom!

Make a Picture Frame

Frame yourself with your Balloom and make your very own picture frame!

Pop the BIG question!

Elevate your proposal with a custom ring balloon sculpture!

Bring In the Dogs!

Nothing gets likes like a cute photo of your dog. Pose your pooch with the Balloom for more likes!

Don't Forget to Smile!

There is SO much to celebrate in life. Make each moment memorable with a balloon gift designed just for you or your loved one. You deserve it!

Over to you...

We can't wait to see what creative poses you come up with! Tag us on Instagram at @ballooms with your Balloom creation.

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